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Кухня «ЭКОНОМ»

Кухня «ЭКОНОМ»

Кухня «ЭКОНОМ»

When opening the cabinet elements that run continuously around the island block, the new M8 pull-out system and the carcase interior colour carbon grey are found again, which ideally complement the material quality of the aluminium. The reduced material thickness of the front is consistently continued in the pull-out system. The filigree aesthetics of the metal sides, which are only 8 mm thick, are supported by the dark colour of the pull-out system and the cabinet. When opening the cabinet elements that run continuously around the island block, the new M8 pull-out system and the carcase interior colour carbon grey are found again, which ideally complement the material quality of the aluminium. The reduced material thickness of the front is consistently continued in the pull-out system. The filigree aesthetics of the metal sides, which are only 8 mm thick, are supported by the dark colour of the pull-out system and the cabinet.